Your Place or Mine? How your home is the perfect backdrop for your newborn photo session

When I was pregnant with my daughter photos were at the top of my list of things I wanted to have captured once she arrived. I had spent the better part of a few weeks hunting down the perfect photographer for our session and one of my requirements was that they come to my home. I love studio photographers but I also loved the idea of having everything I needed right at my fingertips during our session.

As a photographer myself I always recommend heading to my clients home. WHY? Because it allows for the family to be there in a space they are comfortable in and with all the items they might need. It eliminates the stress of having to pack up and go and awards both the photographer and family a more flexible time frame. It’s even better because you can truly capture the story of your family within your own walls. I look back at my daughters newborn photos and remember every detail of the apartment we brought her home too. It’s still one of my favorite memories of those first 2 weeks of her life.

Frequent questions about IN Home Newborn sessions

  1. What should you wear?

    I always recommend neutral/soft colors. The general rule is to have your family members compliment each other.. not match each other. I also recommend comfortable clothing too. It’s great to have a few outfits lined up for your new arrival.. and again neutral is always a good place to start.

  2. But I am stressed about my house being a mess…. Should I hire a cleaning person?

    There is absolutely no need to stress about your home. You just had a BABY!! WE don’t need a lot of space to capture your new arrival and we can always move things around.

  3. What about lighting?

    I always tell my clients the more natural lighting the better. I recommend looking at the lighting in your home when it is brightest.. Maybe thats 10 in the morning or maybe it is 8:30. It is all variable. We just open the blinds and let the wonderful pour in. We will turn off all the lamps in your home and you can watch and see the magic my camera creates.

  4. What happens if the baby needs to eat?

    If there is one thing I have learned it is that I always build in times for diaper changes and feedings. I do my best to operate on babies time and not mine. I also encourage everyone to have at least a snack before we begin.